Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Psi Azylek

Hey, it's me! Little kitty Mikołajek. I am only a few months old and I have already managed to die. Sick, with my eyes glued, abandoned in a cardboard box in the parking lot under the store I begged for the end. However, someone noticed me and took me to the clinic. It turned out to have panleukopenia. I have been fighting the disease for several days, and aunts from the foundation and doctor keep my fingers crossed for me. I get medicines, drips and I have an appetite. Although the prognosis is cautious, because everyone says I am a terrible bidulek, I gain weight and do not give up! I hope that I will be healthy for Mikołajki (because I am beautiful, at least everyone tells me). Will you add something to the Christmas package?

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